This version is silver colored and considered the Speed-type. ) or Silver Forte Cross ( シルバーフォルテクロス, Silver Forte Cross ) in Japan, is available in Team Colonel and Cybeast Falzar. or Silver BassCross, known as Forte Cross Rockman Colonel ver.

This time gold's abilities for Glaga version, and silver's abilities for Falzer version.

The same e-Reader Card can also be used in Rockman EXE6. PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ABOUT MATERIAL THAT HAS NOT BEEN LOCALIZED OR DUBBED OUTSIDE OF JAPAN OR OTHER ASIAN COUNTRIES, AND USES THE ORIGINAL TERMS AND NAMES. Keeping the form on and going to 2 certain locations in the game, will unlock special cutscenes and a fight against the real Bass, which otherwise doesn't make a appearance in the game. The forms could only be acquired in the Japanese version of the game by the use of a special e-Reader card given out during Rockman EXE/ Duel Masters promotional double feature movies. In the Game Boy Advance version of Mega Man Battle Network 5, Bass Cross was made available in two different forms: a gold form only available in Team ProtoMan, and a silver form only available in Team Colonel.